
Her finder du en liste over International Shinson Hapkido Associations aktiviteter.
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ISHA-aktiviteter for 2025


14.02.- 16.02.2025

21th International Workshop for the 3rd Dan program

in Dojang Semmerin.
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21.03. - 23.03.2025

39. International Shinson Hapkido Bu-Sabomnim Workshop

i Dojang Seligenstadt/ Tyskland.
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Send venligst din tilmelding direkte til Bu-Sonsanim Josef Schmitt på josef.schmitt[at]shinsonhapkido.org og lad ham vide, om du ønsker at reservere et værelse.
Tilmeldingsfristen er mandag den 3. marts 2025.

04.04. - 06.04.2025

International Shinson Hapkido forårslejr

i Dojang Köln/ Tyskland.
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Send venligst tilmeldingslister pr. e-mail til: info[at]shinsonhapkido-koeln.de
Telefonisk tilmelding er mulig på +49 160 94 85 30 04.
Tilmeldingsfristen er 23. marts 2025.
Hjertelig velkommen!

11.04. - 13.04.2025

58. International Shinson Hapkido Kyosanim-Kyosanim-lejr Nord

i Hamburg/ Tyskland.
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Please download the registration form here...


CJI Myong Sang Sang forårstræf

i ZentrumsdoangDarmstadt/ Tyskland.
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Please register in advance.

02.05. - 04.05.2025

26. Int. Shinson Hapkido børn og unge speciallejr

i Herzebösch/ Belgien. The last few years have shown us very clearly how important real, analog encounters are, in which we treat each other with respect and warmth. The international Shinson Hapkido Children & Youth special course offers the opportunity to reduce the distance between people. To experience a togetherness where respectful and cordial interaction with oneself, with other people and with nature are in the foreground.
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09.05. - 11.05.2025

Landslejr i Danmark

med Sonsanim Ko. Myong i Holbæk.

17.05. - 18.05.2025

Int. skriftlig Shinson Hapkido Danprøve til 39. Ki og højere dangrader

i Int. Center-Dojang Darmstadt/ Germany ; skriftlig prøve + praksisforberedelse.

07.06. - 09.06.2025

39. International Shinson Hapkido Pinselejr

i Groß-Bieberau/ Tyskland.
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20.06. - 22.06.2025

Int. Praktisk Shinson Hapkido Danprøve til 39. Ki og højere dangrader

i Zentrumsdojang Darmstadt/ Tyskland.


CJI Myong Sang Sang sommertræf

i Zentrumsdojang Darmstadt/Tyskland.
Myong Sang offers the opportunity to look inside, to come to rest, to bring body and mind in harmony and to find our true self again. The aim of these Myong Sang meetings is to dissolve the separation between nature and man and between Do and man.Everyone is welcome! Please register at least one week in advance by email.
See also the invitation...


Summerbreak ISHA

The bureau will start on onsdag, 20. August 2025.


41. International Shinson Hapkido Sommerlejr

i Ibach/ Schweiz.
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Further informations and contact...


International Shinson Hapkido Benefiz Martial Arts Gala

as part of the annual International summercamp. In Ibach/ Switzerland. See all informations here ...

30.08. - 13.09.2025

Shinson Hapkido Kretareijse

Shinson Hapkido and Holidays.
Seminar hold by Sabomnim Lidija Kovacic.
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Træf for Int. Shinson Hapkido Forskningsteam

i Darmstadt/Tyskland.

11.10. - 12.10.2025

40. Int. Shinson Hapkido Dan-Seminar

at Darmstadt/ Tyskland.
Please see the invitation...


CJI Myong Sang efterårstræf

at Zentrumsdojang Darmstadt/Germany. Start at 13.oo to 15.oo am.
Myong Sang offers the opportunity to look inside, to come to rest, to bring body and mind in harmony and to find our true self again. The aim of these Myong Sang meetings is to dissolve the separation between nature and man and between Do and man. Everyone is welcome!
Please see the invitation...
Registration here...

24.10. - 26.10.2025

13. Internationaler Shinson Hapkido Sabomnim Workshop

Dojang Seligenstadt/ Tyskland.
Informationer downloades her ...

07.11. - 09.11.2025

Internationaler Shinson Hapkido efterårslejr

i Hamburg/ Tyskland.
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21.11. - 23.11.2025

59. International Shinson Hapkido Kyosanim-Lejr Süd

i Seligenstadt/ Tyskland.
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Letter of entry...


ggf. Int. Shinson Hapkido Dan-regraduering

i Int. Zentrums-Dojang Darmstadt/ Tyskland.


40. International Shinson velgørende-årsafslutningsfest

in Darmstadt/ Germany.
Details and informations will follow.