Movement for Life – a Shinson Hapkido textbook
Available in German and English
Dating from October 2013, the 2nd book by Sonsanim Ko Myong is an unique source for Shinson Hapkido. It contains instructions in detail for many techniques. The 800-page-volume includes many photos and is a compendium of Asian martial arts. It wishes not only to teach techniques, but to give a special understanding of true martial arts aiming to reach “Dae Do”, the true self.
“Movement for life” was written for all those who engage in the relationship of movement and health, martials arts, energy work and holistic methods of development and healing. Furthermore, it can be used as a guide to a meaningful everyday life.
Now available: Digital PDF version of „Shinson Hapkido – textbook for training of body and mind” in German and English. All digital books consist of three pdf files. Upon ordering, you will receive a personal password for your digital book.
Bewegung für das Leben, 2013, hardcover, German, 50€ +shipping
Bewegung für das Leben, 2013, Digitalversion, German or English, 40.-
Package Hardcover + Digital: 70€ +shipping
This book is available on all official ISHA Shinson Hapkido seminars.
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For a look into the book, click here...

Book"Movement for Life"
In December 1994 Sonsanim Ko. Myong first book "Shinson Hapkido - Movement for Life" was published. In diesem Buch hat Sonsanim Ko. Myong sein Wissen über die Wurzeln und Entwicklung der Kampf- und Bewegungskünste, der Gesundheitslehre und der Geschichte seines Landes zusammengetragen. Philosophische Hintergründe werden hier genauso vorgestellt wie auch Techniken und Bewegungsabläufe aus dem Shinson Hapkido. Bei alledem soll das Buch in erster Linie den Zugang zu der ganzheitlichen Bedeutung dieser Bewegungskunst eröffnen. Mit Shinson Hapkido möchte Sonsanim Ko. Myong die Menschen bewegen, sich wieder auf ihren natürlichen Weg zu machen: auf den Weg des Friedens, des Gleichgewichts und der Liebe zu Mensch und Natur. Dieser Weg ist für alle offen.
ISBN 3-9804195-0-9
1. Edition 1995, 2. Editon 1999
437 pages, 33.- Euro plus shipping

Chon-Jie-In Magazine 2008
published on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary.
98 pages 4-c offset color print. 10.- Euro plus. shipping.

Anniversary publication "20 Years Shinson Hapkido", 2003
40 pages, 4-c offset color print. 7.- Euro plus shipping.

Archiv Chon-Jie-In Magazine
Here you find all editions of the Chon-Jie-In magazine since 1993.
Printversions as well the current magazine you will acquire in every Shinson Hapkido Dojang.
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