Old and young

Under this motto, many members work to help out others near the Shinson Hapkido school. Everyday life gets too many of us unilaterally focussed on the basis of our work / profession. Especially many young people lose contact with people in other walks of life, and sense of human realities such as age, illness and death. This causes amplification of unfounded fear, as well as not so satisfactory expectations. This alienation doesn't even compensate for the advancing selfishness. Many older people live lonely without adequate social contact. When they, most often due to care issues, leave their familiar domestic surroundings, and move to a home they have to deal with this major change. It is especially hard when children and relatives no longer find time for them.
This is where the project "Old and young together" comes into the picture: because Shinson Hapkido members work from the idea that all are "one", and respect that the younger generation has a lot for which to thank the previous generation, they try to remember the older people's needs. Ultimately we all become old! Through one to two group visits annually, time is invested in listening to the elderly, drink coffee, sing and laugh together. Also the bedridden are visited by small groups, enriched and endowed with kind words of sympathy and attention. This is realized by some Shinson Hapkido schools, for example in Darmstadt the nursing home Ohlystift in Wixhausen, is visited regularly.
In addition the seniors are invited to events (in Darmstadt e.g. for garage sale and year-end with ISHA and CJI eV). A portion of the revenue from the annual flea market in Darmstadt is donated to elderly care.